JANUARY 24 - Open Play Reading
Chalet Bellevue 7 pm
Open play reading -- anyone can join in to read a few lines or sit back and listen.
FEBRUARY 21 - AGM and Open Play Reading
Chalet Bellevue 7 pm
Annual General Meeting followed by a short play reading. Open to all but only 2024 members are eligible to vote. To renew your membership or join visit online or in person at any TMH event including the AGM.
MARCH 27 - Staged Play Reading
Chalet Bellevue 7 pm
Join us for a staged play reading of "Pigs Tale" by Ron Nicol complete with costumes, props, sound, and lights, but scripts still in hand. Free admission. Cash bar. Let us know if you wish to be part of the show!
MAY 8-12 - Spring Show
Chalet Bellevue - 6 performances
Theatre Morin Heights presents "Three Tall Women" by Edward Albee. Tickets go on sale late March. Cast are already in rehearsals. Let us know if you wish to voluteer behind the scenes.
SEPTEMBER 29 - Les journés de la culture
Chalet Bellevue - 3 pm
TMH will present a staged play reading with some Agatha Christie mysteries. Let us know if you wish to join in the fun!
OCTOBER 23-27 - Fall Show
Chalet Bellevue - 6 performances
Theatre Morin Heights presents "GamePlan" by Alan Ayckbourn. Directed by Steve Gillam. Tickets go on sale mid-September. Cast are already in rehearsals. Let us know if you wish to volunteer behind the scenes.